Suitable from hatching to weaning : Can be used at all stages of young birds' life.
Optimal growth : Ensures good health and healthy growth of young birds.
Promotes digestion : Supports digestion thanks to its active ingredients such as gut flora stabilizers, probiotics, digestive enzymes, and organic acids.
World Recommended : Used by bird parks and senior breeders.
Improve crop performance : The formula contains enzymes and organic acids to improve food digestion.
Complete nutrients : Contains all the nutrients needed for beautiful feather growth.
Balanced food : contributes to the growth of young birds thanks to the appropriate amount of vitamins, minerals and amino acids.
Nutritional supplement : Suitable for hand-rearing of all budgies and ornamental birds.
Globally approved formula : contains all the nutrients necessary for bird growth.
Recommended by Veterinarians : Used worldwide by aviaries and senior breeders.
:the components
Bakery products - Vegetable protein extracts - Oils and fats - Derivatives of vegetable origin - Minerals - Various sugars - Yeasts - Organic acids - Psyllium - Oligosaccharides (1000 mg/kg) - Lecithin